This area is intended to facilitate the crafting of stock items. Post what you've got and what you want!
Important stat building recipes to remember, please don't sell ingredients for these outside the guild, since they're in high demand:
- Nimbly rings = 1 iron + 1 gobball saliva.
- Belt of chance = 2 copper + 4 Black gobball leather.
- Lumberjack amulet = 2 Cherry + 2 ebony + 3 oak + 2 Yew.
100 Nimbly rings can be traded in for a small scroll of agility at (0,3). 100 belts of chances can be traded in for a small scroll of intelligence at (7,1). 1 Lumberjack amulet can be traded in for a small scroll of chance at (0,2). These are the easier stats to raise, so if you're interested, talk to SmokeyMcBowlz about the rings and amulets, and talk to PoisonOrange about the belts. Personally, whenever I (SpacemanSpliff) see gob saliva, black or white wool, and black leather at 25 kamas or less, I buy as much as I can. You can pretty much always sell these things to me at that price if I have the money, and I would appreciate it very much.
- Magic dyes! Man, we need an alchemist to cook these up. I've got my eye on La Samoulaille as cape we could get for all members. I haven't seen many folks walking around with it, although it looks pretty ill.
- Stop selling those rare ingredients outside the guild! Powerful items can be commissioned from high-level proffessionals if we don't have the skills within our guild.
- I can try to commission a +25 wisdom ring for anybody who can bring me a polished diamond (and is willing to hike up that guild exp by a bit, since that ring nets +25% more per fight).
- Smokey makes kwak rings and amulets: the rare ingredients are: 3 beaks for an amulet, 3 claws for a ring.
- Let me know what you guys need in terms of materials and I'll post it up here for the whole world to see!
- We're looking for a level 90+ shoemaker who works for a modest commission. We've got some ingredients for a couple rare belts, so if anybody know a trustworthy shoe-maker, please let me know.
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